Final Project Reflection

Jhoan Alexander

Link to Webpage
     In my Web Client Programming class we were instructed to construct our "Final Portfolio Website", this website will in the centerpiece of all our work, this would be constructed with some regulations to what should be included for example, a navigation bar to previous sites, professional social media platforms, etc. but the majority of the website would be constructed to our liking. Before beginning to construct my website I first made a wireframe to how potentially my website would look like, I went with dark colors because I liked how my previous website looked like when I used dark colors, I also made the layout, I configured where each object in my website should go to have a good appeal to the user. I also elongated my website by making it into sections, one section would be the introductory page and the other the more informative and about me section. The making of my website was not as difficult as I thought it would be, since there wasn't much advanced CSS needed, the majority of code consisted of HTML and CSS for the positioning of the objects. I am content with how my website came out.
     This project will forever be the most memorable, this is my last and final project being a part of the Web Design Academy, this is just one of many websites I will construct in the future.


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