JA Community Service
Jhoan Alexander
Web Client Programming
Both Web Design and Video Production academies in Information Technology HS conduct yearly community service with JA. Junior Achievements (JA) is an organization that educates young students skills in the real world. In order to properly prepare for our community service event we needed to learn our lessons, lessons which we would then proceed to teach alumni. We were sorted into groups and given a week to prepare for our lesson. My group members and I worked collaborated in making our lessons the most entertaining because we would need to teach 4th graders. We prepared with the tools JA gave us and it was then game day. We arrived at PS. 49, we were escorted to our classroom where we then conducted our lessons. The students were very different than lat years group of alumni and were very intrigued by the lesson. The entirety of our time there was amazing we truly taught alumni some bit of knowledge. This year ran smoother than last year, you can say because of the experience but it had to do a lot with how the students responded this year. The students impacted me immensely the amount of knowledge they possessed was incredible. Though this is my last year having this opportunity in teaching students it will forever be memorable in my high school experience.
Web Client Programming
Both Web Design and Video Production academies in Information Technology HS conduct yearly community service with JA. Junior Achievements (JA) is an organization that educates young students skills in the real world. In order to properly prepare for our community service event we needed to learn our lessons, lessons which we would then proceed to teach alumni. We were sorted into groups and given a week to prepare for our lesson. My group members and I worked collaborated in making our lessons the most entertaining because we would need to teach 4th graders. We prepared with the tools JA gave us and it was then game day. We arrived at PS. 49, we were escorted to our classroom where we then conducted our lessons. The students were very different than lat years group of alumni and were very intrigued by the lesson. The entirety of our time there was amazing we truly taught alumni some bit of knowledge. This year ran smoother than last year, you can say because of the experience but it had to do a lot with how the students responded this year. The students impacted me immensely the amount of knowledge they possessed was incredible. Though this is my last year having this opportunity in teaching students it will forever be memorable in my high school experience.
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