Lab 18.1 & 18.2 Reflection

Jhoan Alexander
WCP Reflection
Console Log 18.1
Console Log 18.2

This lab was made with a Javascript 30 tutorial. JavaScript 30 is an online resource website which supplies Javascript tutorials. In this lab it required HTML, CSS and Javascript. Using Javascript 30's tutorial I constructed this lab and from the screen it doesn't look like much but it's what is within that counts. This Lab has a coded console log which can be seen when it is inspected, as shown in the picture the console log is fully functioning and holds arrays which can be called upon. This lab had an extension and that is Lab 18.2 which also involves the use of the console log but this one doesn't have arrays within the console log but has Booleans and text statements. Overall not a difficult lab the tutorial made it easier to construct. It was intriguing seeing the console log being programmed and not the webpage for once.


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