MET Reflection

19th Century Utensil
Jhoan Muy
Web Client Programming

 Today the first of December, I went to the Metropolitan Museum located by 5th ave. I didn't know what to expect I was just trying to do it as a homework assignment. But I got there and was intrigued by the European Sculptures it was really fascinating. I continued to roam around and found 19th century utensils which they used in Peru a country which is really close to my country Ecuador and it is a possibility that they used the same gold spoons. Everything is fascinating because it all came from previous generations. There was a lot of things which was used in the 19th century which was used by countries now known with names such as Peru and Colombia but I wasn't able to find my home country Ecuador I was really trying to find art related to my country to get a glimpse of what they used but I was able to find art from countries around which isn't to far off considering that in the 19th century countries were combined such as Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. Overall this was an interesting day at the MET museum I was fascinated.


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