Shark Tank Project Reflection Site One
Jhoan Alexander
Web Client Programming
Reflection for Site One of Shark Tank Project
We conducted a "Shark Tank Project" in my Web Client Programming class, it involved interviewing a possible clients ( alumni ) for which we would have to build a website for. Clients had a variety of topics for their websites and it was based off the United Nation's 17 sustainable development goals. My client happened to be AMA, a company which claim to have found a method of recycling pollution and making it a good thing by converting it with a one of a kind type of pen. We then made them a potential website which they will decide at the end if they will possibly bid for. This is just one part of the project, we will be making two sites for two different clients and to the right you can see AMA's potential homepage.
Web Client Programming
Reflection for Site One of Shark Tank Project
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