Lab 2 Reflection

Jhoan Alexander
Lab 2 Reflection

In my Web Client Programming ( WCP ) class, we conducted a lab 2 involving the use of jQuery within our website. jQuery is a javascript library, so it's embedded with javascript which I'm familiar with but since its commands were different like involving $ I faced difficulty. To be able to use jQuery it first needed to be copied from online then made into a document which we then needed to link in order to work. Once that was done lab 2 was constructed, we needed to include buttons that showed a prompt, alert, text, and confirm alert. The easiest one by far was the alert button it was so easy to do and involved little code. The hardest and most difficult was the text button, it need to display text when clicked and that I had to use help from online, and from my peer. Once the trouble was gone I was done with my lab 2 and it came out very intriguing and simple, and allowed me to strengthen my javascript code.


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