Jhoan Muy
AP Computer Science Principles

On the 8th of February, the CTE EXPO was conducted at Information Technology High School in this the Web Design Academy showed the freshman of the school our work throughout the year in attempt to convince them and encourage them to join one of two academies in the school. Both video and web worked our hardest to present them our work. In preparation to this event I practiced my talk, I wanted to easily speak with a freshman without them getting scared because being new to the school and getting approached by older students can be troubling. Me a junior presented the freshman a app which we made using code as well as our homepage with all our work throughout the year. I talked with freshman as a friend, I would introduce myself and explain in an easy manner so they would follow along without confusion. The sophomores presented their business projects and the seniors presented their webpages as well. It was a long day being the web room for 4 periods straight was exhausting, but it was a great experience I talked to many freshman and feel like I did help them and encouraged them in making a decision to become part of the academy which then turns to a family in those three years together. But I feel like the layout of the event could have been better as there was a cluster of people at one end and no one at the other. Overall a great day in achieving to encourage the upcoming sophomores.


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