Lab 13 Reflection

Jhoan Muy
Digital Design
LAB 13 Reflection

In Lab 13 it dealt with the creation of our Index in other words our homepage. It had to include a link to our Labs page and Projects and our Blog if we wanted to and that's what I did. To the right you can see my Homepage. I have a copy-right free image which I got from the web and used it in creating my webpage. It was a fun lab as it made my homepage and it was fun getting to use your knowledge to create something and you can click on the image and take a look at my code which was pretty simple as I used a individual CSS page to simplify my code onto another and edit it from there by just linking the page.
This is the first step to the creation of my portfolio. On this website you can navigate easily to what anyone would be interested in as I made various labs and 1 project at the moment but that is set to grow. In my digital design class am learning a lot of new things everyday and I enjoy it as I'm preparing myself to hopefully be a future web designer that will have fun everyday in making webpages and using my freedom to make and edit. This was a very fun lab as I waited for so long to finally get the opportunity to conduct this in class and finish and upload it to my website.
My code for lab 13


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