Current Event MP3

Jhoan Muy
Mrs. Ramirez
Digital Design

"The digital divide: small, social programs can help get seniors online" by Wilding, Raelene, and Loretta Baldassar

This article brings up a ongoing problem with the web usage. Not all can use it and primarily the senior citizens can't seem to use it correctly and efficiently and we are the problem. There are programs which attempt in helping senior citizens but it's not as efficient  such as the Telstra Tech Savvy program, and iPad seniors group . This article puts emphasis on the forgotten group of people which are not to proficient in this material as do others such as teenagers. There's a problem and it needs to be brought up and a solution must be found. I truly believe this is a problem because I can use personal knowledge my parents aren't as quick as I am to use technology and imagine my grandparents they didn't grow up with such revolutionary technology as my generation and it is difficult to learn anything at first and thats where help is needed to get older people more custom to this technology for the better. Technology is only set to continue growing and everyone wants to grow alongside with it and is for the better of everyone to help each other out in learning this new technology because it is the future of mankind. 


Wilding, Raelene, and Loretta Baldassar. “The Digital Divide: Small, Social Programs Can Help Get Seniors Online.” The Conversation, The Conversation, 19 Nov. 2018,


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