CTE EXPO Reflection

Today was the CTE Expo a day in which all of the CTE academy came together for an event in which we talked to upcoming sophomores they are next to decide what academy or not to choose that the school offers. The purpose of the CTE expo was to inform up incoming sophomores over the two programs Information Technology HS offers. To prepare for the CTE expo the day before I was preparing a outfit in which will not look to over the top and good in the eyes of a freshman I just wanted to look like I'm a student not a boring business person. I also practiced what to say such as ways to introduce myself and how to attract more freshman such as good composure and a smile. During the event I did a lot I walked around trying to find someone as well as visit my friends boards to help them, not just share the point of view of one person but of me too. I talked with a teacher over my project and to other members of the CTE academy. I think what went well is how we all presented our projects together such as me and my friend Brian got one freshman and together addressed to him what goes on and what is expected from both our points of views because team work really makes the dream work. In next years Expo I can improve in my speech as in what I'm going to say I didn't prepare well in this one as I wanted too but it I can improve. Overall I meet new people and feel good because for me I think most really engaged and some may even join the CTE academy. I enjoyed today and am looking forward to next year and now I know how I can improve.


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