What is PNG,GIF,JPG,Tiff, and Raw and their differences.?
As you can see up in the heading it is talking about what are these components. Well lets get started with what they are GIF is a lossless format of an image files that supports both animated. and static images according to the google definition. It stands for Graphics Interchange Format a image format developed by Steve Wilhite basically a host aminated image on the web. Now PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics basically the same but more improved version of the GIF. JPG now is a file extension for a lossy graphics file according to what.istechtarget.com. A TIFF stands for tag image file front, is a common format for exchanging raster graphics images according to what.istechtarget.com. Now finally Raw is a file a collection of unprocessed data. NOW you know what these technology terms are now to group them both GIF and PNG are the same thing that are animated images on the web but you can tell that the PNG is better improved than GIF. JPG unlike the others is a file extension not a file but an extension to JPEG a popular image front used in digital cameras. TIFF now is a tag image file front. And raw is a whole group of unprocessed data that still needs to be run down they are often used as data files by software programs that load and process the data. Now you know these terms and are aware of their meaning and differences among them.
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