
Showing posts from October, 2018


Jhoan Muy LAB 8 REFLECTION 10/30/18 This to the left was my lab #8 it involved two things HTML code for my webpage and a Flash Talk about the topic of your choice and I chose net neutrality a ongoing problem. And in my flash talk I talked about how this is something really important and will lead to monopolies and corruption within the internet service providers. The most challenging thing about the lab was the converting part in which involved a third party to convert the .mov to a .mp4 and I used iMovie and I even used iMovie to edit my video and add my references at the end. This was a fair lab which was really testing video creation and I believe I did a good job on this lab.

Current Events

Jhoan Muy Digital Design 10/27/18 Assignment: Current Events Article:" Why Artificial Intelligence Isn't a Sure Thing to Increase Productivity " Source:"" In this article it goes in depth into AI which stands for artificial intelligence in companies. AI is being introduced in big time companies to help them continue growing but can that really happen with AI that where that question arrises. AI is not necessarily as much help as what is being said. It is stated that it won't be as productive as it is said to be. We need workers to have a general knowledge of computer science to work these AI machines that are going to be embedded into the work force. But overall it won't be affective it'll make work requirements higher and make work something even harder.

Project 1 Reflection

Project 1 Homepage This is my Project 1 it involved the creation of my Website where I cite all my favorite movies which was 3. It was The Wolf of Wall Street, John Wick, and The Dark Knight. I used Dreamweaver to make this website which came along with other webpages because each movie had it's own page which included its information such as the rating the cast and why it is my favorite movie. It was a long project due to the fact in involved not one webpage but 3 more for each individual movie as well as a reference page so you don't get copyrighted of course. And in this image you can see my webpage which I made with some help of my peers but mainly my work in class and at home. I gave it a simple color theme which I brought all throughout the webpage and I had very much fun all throughout the project. It was the first project of my digital design class and I enjoyed it. I faced problems of course such as in my code which at times gets very complicated because of all the...

Current Events

Jhoan Muy Digital Design Current Events 10/21/19 How Robots and Drones Will Change Retail Forever   The Wall Street Journal Christopher Mims October 15, 2018 In this article it is brought to our attention that big market companies are innovating their technology such as Amazon and Walmart and soon other big market chains. They are being prompted to use AI which is artificial intelligence for those who didn't know already and they want to use it to help with the company itself such as deliveries. They aren't up to that part yet but in the near future it is a possibility that your orders will come to you with a drone. The technology is up there and all you need is money that that is being embedded to these companies to further their growth in the market and have a big advantage than there competitors.  Possibilities are endless with growing technology and these companies will be the first to prof...

Current Events

Jhoan Muy Digital Design 10/18/18 " Paul Allen, Microsoft co-founder, dies at 65 " Article:10/16/18 Sorrow has hit us co-founder of one of the biggest company to exist at the moment has sadly passed away one to dedicated himself to technology and he best of all watched it grow along side him. He is said to have created or initiated "personal computing" said by Bill Gates. He did a lot and he was the structure to Microsoft which allowed it to grow to it's success. We lost a big figure in computer science one who truly allowed for it to grow so rapidly. Now that he's gone technology and Microsoft is only set to keep moving and has big things ahead of them which Allen will sadly not see in the near future.

CE #5

Jhoan Muy Digital Design Assignment: Current Events #5 10/15/18 Article from Washington State University " Sugar-powered sensor developed to detect, prevent diseases" Scientist have developed a type of sensor which is going to be runned by sugar. It will be used in the medical field to help prevent diseases and even detect. It is a bio-fueled sensor which isn't that bad and uses the human bodies fluids to run on and they say is sort of an implant which is basically a cell that will help all and easily. Helping put health first in all. This is a big step in the medical field and is really helpful and will further help future health of all. Technology is rapidly growing and it is very cool to see what is being created with such innovation. Such as this sugar powered sensor.

Blown into Bits chapters 2,5,7,8

Jhoan Muy Blown into Bits Chapters:2,5,7,8 Chapter 2 Overview: In this chapter it grabbed my attention, privacy is long abandoned and we really have none of it. It gave an example where someone was charged over a thousand dollars when he was expected to be charged $150 because he violated a rule. To his knowledge the car dealership would have never known but they did because of the cars global positioning system which allowed them to know where exactly the car is and that you can say is violating his 14th amendment of freedom of unreasonable searches but no. We are losing more and more freedoms as technology is advancing and it is really affecting us. Chapter 5 Overview: This chapter talks about coding and encryption how you should use in in all forms to protect yourself from harmful hackers. It is known, everything is sent over the internet and you can't just send your credit card number through an email your basically calling yourself to get hacked. Use encryption in order...

LAB 7 Reflection

This lab was basically the mastermind after all LABS. This required to make a HTML to every lab we've made. That means make a homepage to all 6 labs. It was fairly easy to but also required alot of work. You could have designed it many different ways and I chose a simple way which allowed for the use of lab photos to designate you to the page. I used help from my peers to complete this lab and it was fun making a homepage to basically your labs. I can always improve on it and make it way better than before. LAB 7 HTML

LAB 6 Reflection

In this lab it was one that was so easy. It really just required the use of photoshop and dreamweaver to make up this simple lab. Using Photoshop we had to make a banner for this class in general after we made ourselves a nametag fairly easy. I used my previous knowledge on photoshop to make this lab and I did a good simple lab. Overall a good easy lab. My LAB 6

LAB 5 Reflection

In this lab it required us to make a chart which in there had our general favorite music ,foods ,movies ,and subjects in school and even our least favorite subjects. Using 2 rows and 6 columns we were able to in each present that information. It was a fairly easy lab but very long one which required diversity in how they were ordered such as in roman numerals and even using the alphabet. It was a harshly long lab which felt more like a beginner project. Overall a fun lab and long one too.

CE #4

Jhoan Muy Digital Design 10/8/18 Article: Production The robot eye with an all-round field of view Research News /  1.10.2018 This  article talks about creating a robot eye with a full eye width. Technology is allowing for very much innovation and using a new sensor called SensorPro allowing for a full 360 degree view of everything.  Mauritz Möller created this sensor using his colleagues too to help make this. This will then be used to to help future explorations most likely that seems something reasonable that will help all sorts of explorations using a sensor that can have a view of all and process control and quality assurance. This is a remarkable invention that will only set us up for the future helping and improving explorations and so much more that will tulle be helpful.


In class we were set on a task or lab to make a chart which inside had color name hex number and its hue color. It was a long process which involved a repetitive code but it was fun overall. I got to chose any color I wanted and I chose a variation of colors that interested me and I preferred. I used some help of my peers to help me get through this lab and overall it was a fun lab which I enjoyed a lot and got me introduced to many other commands and types of codes I can use to decorate such as my border. My code keeps getting better and better and I really enjoy to code.


For this lab it required HTML and we were assigned to make Image links and links overall to three web pages and our teachers website and our own blog site. It was a bit more complicated than previous labs but it was quite simple since its asking for the same thing three times. So what I did was write code for one then copy and paste and with the help of peers i was able to make my HTML nice. With a hyper link on top of each image and a image link when pressed on it. It was a higher level lab and required way more code than the ones previous lab. And a overall fun lab which i enjoyed because it made me think and allow for more complicated code.

Blown to Bits Chapter 3

Jhoan Muy Digital Design Blown to Bits Chapter 3 10/2/18 Can you give other examples of abstraction in everyday life? In life there is various examples of abstractions which is for best and simplest use. Such as a drawer which can contain folders which in them contain files. Thats just one there is many more such examples which have floors you can say to keep something simple. Such as a business which has franchises which has stores which has  employees. A book too has chapters which have paragraphs which have lines. A bunch of things have abstractions to provide the simplest and best use.  Discuss how not knowing some basics of how a software tool or computer works, and the abstractions they use, could lead to bad outcomes. Not knowing basics is just going to lead up to complications and errors. Knowing basics is very much needed. You can't do something without having knowledge because you are basically setting  yourself up for fa...