
Showing posts from January, 2018


   In the first WBL workshop we were introduced to the academy how it was whats involved in it, benefits to a whole lot of talk about college readiness. I was there with my dad and we were listening to everything in detail and we learned about how the CTE class is a college class in Jr year and it won't be easy but it will be really beneficial. The class accounts as 1.1 credits and can be used in a college. After all that was done I gave in my working parers to Ms.Ramirez and all was done. It was a good small meeting in which now my parents know what am I doing in school and such benefits.

Lab 15 Reflection

We conducted lab 15 in class in which we used adobe Indesign and constructed a few basics and before conducting the quiz we had to read over the few basics of indesign. It was a short reading and really helpful with getting into indesign a new application which I have never used before. I constructed the first object with the pen tool then I made the text kind be over the shape, next I made a header and lastly added text at the end. Overall a good lab in which I learned a lot more about such adobes and an easy quiz whom I believe I did well in and I had fun doing it.

WBL Reflection 1/8/18

On Monday January 8th we were taken to the CCEC where we sat and listened to a speaker and he talked about college readiness and about our future such as building our resume which in the upcoming year we will have to do our resumé. Also he talked to us about a program in which he was involved in and how it prepares you for the future a free program called Futures and Options. We were shown slides about his free program and then later we were shown the video on child labor laws in which made us more familiar with the laws that protect teenage workers. Overall it was a good WBL experiences in which taught me more about labor laws and a free program that anyone can apply to better their future.

Lab13 Reflection

Jhoan Muy In this lab all that was used was the pen tool to contrast everything that was expected of us. We were first asked to make a sort of stick figure of a bird then using the pen tool to drag it out making a curve to it as seen in the following. Then we were asked to try our best to make a logo of a different company using tools such as the pen tool, curvator tool and more any to best make it look like the other one. Then lastly were asked to make a object and add the color grey to it which with the paint bucket tool you can do. Make three more of them and a diamond around it and you were done. Overall we learned to use the pen tool alongside with components such as the handles and the curvature tool which is used to make curves and thats basically it. It was a good lab which got me custom to a the pen tool.

Lab 14 Reflection

Jhoan Muy Lab 14 involved taking a quiz in which involved having to mainly use the text tool along side with other tools within the text tool such as the path tool. We learned new components such as the tracking which is the space among a whole text and the kerning tool just space in-between two letters. I then got into the whole types of fonts such as Georgia to new times and roman and a lot more. There is a variety of fonts. I also learned to add text to a wavy line and make a letter bigger or just one part such as you can see above. After doing everything that as excepted we need to add our own touch, our own drawing of some sort involving the things we learned. I used two G's to make a GUCCI logo and then I constructed a star and added a path to it saying my name all around it because I'm truly a star.Overall it was a fun lab which got me custom to the text tool and other things I can do with it.